First cover glimpse of ‘The Internet of Things’

cover Network Notebooks 02The Internet of Things is the second issue in the series of Network Notebooks. It’s a critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID by Rob van Kranenburg. Rob examines what impact RFID and other systems, will have on our cities and our wider society. The notebook features an introduction by journalist Sean Dodson.

At the moment the notebook is at the printers and we are expecting some issues soonish, to spread around. Early birds can pick up a notebook at the PICNIC Book Shopduring PICNIC from 24th till 26th of September in Amsterdam.

Another issue in this series is: Network Notebooks 01: Technobohemians or the new Cybertariat? by Rosalind Gill.

Edited by Geert Lovink and Sabine Niederer.

Supported by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Waag Society.

This issue will be free available in print and pdf form.

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