All the other directions we can go: alternative media networks and their infrastructures
by Carolina Valente Pinto
This book analyses the values and processes that characterise DIY (do it yourself) digital infrastructure, relating networked initiatives to broader tensions in contemporary alternative media production, namely between ideology and practice in cultural and artistic networked initiatives. Adopting immersive and direct engagement methods, focusing specifcially on the case of A Traversal Network of Feminist Servers, this book shows that contemporary alternative media projects are defined mainly by the people and the networks they build — alternative infrastructures are about the process driving them, more so than the content produced. Small or local organisations intervene in infrastructures by building responses to extractivist platform models, but can be exclusive to the communities already involved in the process. Nevertheless, alternative media initiatives are culturally and socially significant, as they produce critical media discourses and network imaginaries that signify a call for better digital and technical literacy in society.
Text: Carolina Valente Pinto
Design: Fien Leeflang and Carolina Valente Pinto
Published by the Institute of Network Cultures,
Amsterdam, 2023.
ISBN: 9789083328232
Institute of Network Cultures
Email: info@networkcultures.org
Web: www.networkcultures.org
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