net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Franco "Bifo" Berardi, March 19, 2023
By Franco Berardi Who wrote this text? Me or Franco Berardi? Peter Gabriel says the question is irrelevant. One year ago the visionary musician Peter Gabriel released a book titled Reverberation, a sort of technophile introduction to the science behind deep listening. “Reverberation is the impact a sound makes after the sound has stopped,” explains [...]
By Geert Lovink, March 2, 2023
On Wednesday 8 March 2023, Amsterdam Alternative is organising a discussion on collective digital property. This AA Talk is organised in the context of the web documentary AA is making about collective ownership. During this evening, we will discuss what digital collective ownership is or can be. We will discuss ideas that deal with ownership, [...]
By Morgane Billuart, February 27, 2023
In 2020, in the midst of the online expansion of the Black Lives Matter movement, a multitude of channels and media started to relay information about ways to donate or help their community. As a result, millions of individuals started to relay posts and facts about the murder, and more globally about the lack of attention [...]
By Geert Lovink, February 13, 2023
A thousand texts and no end in sight: kompreno offers quality journalism without borders Endless diversity, every day: kompreno — the European initiative for high-quality journalism without language barriers — has now translated and republished over 1,000 articles. Its founder, Jochen Adler, wrote INC today: “My project, kompreno, is bringing together quality journalism from a [...]
By Laurence Scherz, January 31, 2023
A two-day conference on (hybrid) media tactics and togetherness in the field of art and activism, taking place at SPUI25, Framer Framed, OT301, and online. Day one @ Spui 25, Amsterdam, and online March 9, 2023 10:00 – 18:00 Day two @ Framer Framed, Amsterdam, and partly online March 10, 2023 10:00 – 18:00 Party [...]
By Chloë Arkenbout, January 20, 2023
INC stands in solidarity with ReThink Uva and Uva Rebellion. This is ReThink Uva’s statement: ReThink UvA is the main action group of UvA staff members formed in solidarity with the Maagdenhuis occupation of 2015. Many of us remain active in the formal and informal politics of the University. With this statement we wish to [...]
By Klara Debeljak, January 11, 2023
This is it now, this is what life is all about now, looking at screens, I’ve just accepted it, my friend Jordi told me, while we each look at our monitors, comparing our screen time. He unabashedly told me his phone screen time is 4 hours a day, which is a lot, I think, but [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, January 9, 2023
Long hailed as a democratic tool, the internet is now a tool for private economic interests. This forum brings together researchers, artists, policymakers, labor leaders, and technologists at the forefront of efforts to construct a democratic internet. What challenges do we face, and how do we overcome them? Lectures, workshops, stakeholder meetings and tech-meetups will [...]
By Tommaso Campagna, December 23, 2022
Extinction Internet is not merely an end-of-the-world phantasy of digital technology that one day will be wiped out by an electromagnetic pulse or the cutting of cables. Rather, Extinction Internet marks the end of an era of possibilities and speculations, when adaptation is no longer an option. During the internet’s Lost Decade, we’ve been [...]
By Geert Lovink, December 13, 2022
Interview with Nick Couldry and Ulises Mejias by Teresa Numerico The critical discussion about data power and politics is now mainstream. There are a lot of doubts about the rhetoric that Big Data could represent human preferences, habits, and behaviours without a subjective situated gaze on social phenomena. One of the most interesting texts that [...]