net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Inte Gloerich, February 9, 2017
The new INC podcast Zero Infinite is now available via Soundcloud, iTunes and our publications page. You can subscribe to our feed and / or automatically download the episodes via the platforms. Our first episode on precarity was released on the 1st of February and features interviews and clips with Alex Foti, Baruch Gottlieb, Henry [...]
By Inte Gloerich, February 1, 2017
The INC has a new publication format: the Zero Infinite podcast! In May 2016, we invited two podcast hosts to our symposium on art criticism: Stephanie Afrifa (of Nation of Overthinkers podcast network) and Botte Jellema (host of De Eeuw van de Amateur (The Century of the Amateur) podcast). They spoke about the medium with [...]
By Inte Gloerich, January 18, 2017
Op 15 december 2016 presenteerde Miriam Rasch haar column over de toekomst van de kunstkritiek bij de uitreiking van de Geert Bekaertprijs. Over activisme in de kunst, opdrogende fondsen, politiek verzet, en de kracht van de anonimiteit. De column is hier na te luisteren: Meer informatie en audio is op de site van ArchiNed te [...]
By Geert Lovink, January 11, 2017
Stellingen van kunstenaar Hans Rikken naar aanleiding van de Rotterdam Art Fair: Het neoliberalisme als een mutatie van het kapitalisme maakt van de arbeider een ondernemer en van een ondernemer een kunstenaar. Iedereen is Heer en Knecht in een persoon. De arbeidsmoraal van de kunstenaar is een algemeen economisch uitbuitingsmodel geworden. Het “Van je leven [...]
By Leonieke van Dipten, December 22, 2016
Are cybernetics and computer technologies ‘machines of communism’, a potential path to emancipatory coordination that is capable of hyper-complexity, or are they just the next governing techniques for boosting capitalistic exploitation, surveillance and oppression? We proudly present our latest longform On Socialist Cybernetics, Accelerationist Dreams and Tiqqun’s Nightmares by Paul Buckermann. About the author: Paul [...]
By Geert Lovink, December 12, 2016
Left to right: Geert Lovink, Miriam Rasch, Inte Gloerich, Max Dovey, Patricia de Vries, Leonieke van Dipten, Leila Ueberschlag.
By Miriam Rasch, December 6, 2016
The 3D Additivist Cookbook, devised and edited by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke, is a compendium of imaginative, provocative works from over 100 world-leading artists, activists and theorists. The 3D Additivist Cookbook contains 3D .obj and .stl files, critical texts, templates, recipes, (im)practical designs and methodologies for living in this most contradictory of times. To [...]
By Leonieke van Dipten, November 21, 2016
What can we say about the state of the art of digital comics? Comics have taken on new forms in the digital realm as they offer many ways of reshaping the combination of visual and textual components. The limitations of the printed comic book are lifted as gifs, videos, HTML and other digital techniques offer [...]
By Miriam Rasch, November 15, 2016
The 3D Additivist Cookbook Launch Party & Panel December 2, 2016 Printed Matter, New York The Additivist Cookbook is published by the Institute of Network Cultures. Printed Matter is pleased to host the launch of The 3D Additivist Cookbook, to coincide with its publication online and in 3D PDF format. The 3D Additivist Cookbook, devised [...]
By Miriam Rasch, October 7, 2016
For the further development of its hybrid publication strategy – combining digital and print books and other media – the Institute of Network Cultures is looking for an Intern with a strong interest in (digital) publishing 3-6 months, 4 days a week, starting January or February 2017 You will work on international publications in the [...]