net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Miriam Rasch, November 1, 2012
So, what is The New Aesthetic? It’s a buzzword for sure, but no one seems to be able to define it. Even the question whether it refers to an art movement, a style in design, or just simply a Tumblr-blog isn’t easily answered. SETUP Utrecht put together a small exhibition around this phenomenon and invited [...]
By Miriam Rasch, October 19, 2012
Wikipedia’s dark side: Censorship, revenge editing & bribes a significant issue. For more on Wikipedia, take a look at the INC-project Critical Point of View. Matthew Fuller interviews Ben Grosser about Facebook Demetricator: ‘a tool for adapting the social network’s interface so that the numerical data it foregrounds is removed. No longer is the focus [...]
By Miriam Rasch, October 5, 2012
Read the second issue of Computational Culture, a journal of software studies, with articles on subjects ranging from location-aware social media, Google’s PageRank to a methodology for software studies. Boris Ružić wrote an extensive review of Geert Lovink’s Networks Without a Cause. Available online at
By Miriam Rasch, September 28, 2012
We all gave up MySpace long ago, but now that they issue a new design, the question arises: Is MySpace the new Facebook? The Electronic Frontier Foundation takes A Deep Dive into Facebook and Datalogix: What’s Actually Getting Shared and How You Can Opt Out. ‘So what is Facebook doing? It is asking the denizens [...]
The Amsterdam Institute of Network Cultures presents: Theory on Demand #11 Rasa Smite, Creative Networks In the Rearview Mirror of Eastern European History This study explores the dawn of internet culture from an Eastern European perspective. Starting with a theoretical angle several networks are introduced and interpreted as complex socio-technical systems. The author analyzes the [...]
By Miriam Rasch, September 13, 2012
Conferentie Open, 12 september 2012 De komende bezuinigingen treffen de hele culturele sector en ook Open, organisator van de conferentie over de toekomst van publiceren in kunst en cultuur, ontkomt er niet aan. Net als de Rijkskacademie in Amsterdam, waar op 12 september de bijeenkomst plaatsvond. De toekomst is digitaal voor instellingen in het nauw, [...]
By margreet riphagen, September 12, 2012 All too often the (theoretical) discourse on moving images and online video is out of sync with the actual field of video culture and its most current phenomenologies and developments. Therefore we want to gather videos of all shades with the help of “navigators,” people we trust to point out and profile some of [...]
By renekoenig, September 10, 2012
A few years ago, I looked with envy on INC´s Society of the Query initiative. When I stumbled upon it, it was already too late for me: The Society of the Query conference was over and I already dedicated my diploma thesis to Wikipedia. Not that I would have regretted this decision – I think [...]
By margreet riphagen, July 5, 2012
The Social Media Reader Michael Mandiberg Publication Year: 2012 With the rise of web 2.0 and social media platforms taking over vast tracts of territory on the internet, the media landscape has shifted drastically in the past 20 years, transforming previously stable relationships between media creators and consumers. The Social Media Reader is the first [...]
By serenawestra, June 1, 2012
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Unlike Us Reader: Understanding Social Media Monopolies and their Alternatives INTRODUCTION Following the success of the previous INC readers we would like to propose to put together a reader with key texts (see under below for possible topics). Anthology (print, pdf, epub) produced by the Institute of Network Cultures in collaboration with [...]