net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By serenawestra, May 24, 2012
Afgelopen woensdag sprak Serena Westra van het Institute of Network Cultures met auteur Koen Damhuis over zijn boek ‘De Virtuele Spiegel: Waarom Facebook ons Ongelukkig maakt’. In zijn boek werpt hij een sociologische blik op de positie van zijn generatie, Generatie Y, die in de huidige samenleving steeds meer moeite heeft met de hoge prestatiedruk [...]
By serenawestra, May 10, 2012
Er zijn twee nieuwe recensies geschreven over ‘I Read Where I Am’: een in Frieze en een in Gonzo. Beide artikelen (pdf) staan op de website van Valiz en zijn te vinden via onderstaande links. Recensie in Frieze Recensie in Gonzo
By margreet riphagen, May 4, 2012
By Serena Westra Facebook makes us unhappy is the main premise of Dutch author Koen Damhuis. In his new book ‘De Virtuele Spiegel; Waarom Facebook ons Ongelukkig Maakt’ (The Virtual Mirror; Why Facebook makes us Unhappy) he is examining his generation, Generation Y, which is raised in a society with high expectations and no room [...]
By serenawestra, April 5, 2012
Public Space Invaders A collaborative research on collective urban activism [1] is asking for your attention. Seeking for alternatives to administration driven city construction, the focus lies on self-organized projects who practically reshape public space. To visualize the demographic topology of the practitioners network as well as inherent project patterns, Quatorze [2] develops an online [...]
By margreet riphagen, March 30, 2012
Source: Anne Helmond Anne Helmond & Geert Lovink during Geert Lovink’s book launch of Networks Without a Cause: A critique of Social Media. Photo by Sabine Niederer. Background image: The Institute of Network Cultures, Eva van den Eijnde and myself would like to welcome you to the official book launch of Geert Lovink’s new [...]
By margreet riphagen, February 8, 2012
[vimeo][/vimeo] INC: How do you select what you publish? Astrid: The program concentrates on contemporary art, linked to social or cultural topics. 80 percent of what we publish is provided by people coming to us. New content often develops from a network of people who link up to what we’re doing. 20 percent or more [...]
By margreet riphagen, January 13, 2012
Vacature Functie: projectmanager lectoraat Aantal fte: 0,6 Hay profiel: Projectmanager 4 Salarisschaal: 11 Sluitingsdatum: 29/01/2012 Het domein Media, Creatie en Informatie (DMCI) is onderdeel van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en telt ruim 6.600 studenten en 425 medewerkers. Het domein, met een sterke crossmediale, mode en ICT-focus, is ambitieus en wil op alle fronten kwaliteit uitdragen. [...]
By margreet riphagen, January 11, 2012
By Silvio Lorusso, August 8, 2011
Quantified Self exploits the opportunity of gathering relevant informations by tracking INC blogs’ fruition. Through separated dossiers periodically published on this blog an archive of the websites’ history will be built. The first dossier offers a visual comparison among INC’s blogs’ visits during the month of June 2011.
By Silvio Lorusso, July 26, 2011
Digital technology has greatly impacted the publishing industry, leading to consolidation of the production cycle, reduction of the publication time period, use of newly available and open source publishing formats, and changing revenue models. Self-publishing, open access, and new players such as Amazon, Google, and Lulu have altered the previously defined roles related to this [...]