net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By margreet riphagen, February 9, 2011
an immediated autodocumentary [vimeo][/vimeo] What are the defining aesthetics of art in the networked era? How is mass collaboration changing notions of ownership in art? How does micropatronage change the way artists produce and distribute artwork? The Future of Art begins a conversation on these topics and invites your participation. This video was shot, edited [...]
By margreet riphagen, February 8, 2011
[youtube][/youtube] Last Friday, the 4th of February, the Interactive Urban Projection took place at the Kohnstamm house, crossing of Wibautstraat/Mauritskade. The projection was co-organized by Carlos from the MediaLAB Amsterdam, who is currently also producing the Video Vortex #6 event. The Kohnstammhouse once was a building you had to enter facing Taxproblems. 2000 student from [...]
By margreet riphagen, January 24, 2011
Mit Beiträgen von: Dirk Baecker, Mercedes Bunz, Wolfgang Ischinger, John Kornblum, Jaron Lanier, Geert Lovink und Patrice Riemens, Christoph Möllers, Volker Perthes, Rahul Sagar, Felix Stalder und anderen. Ein Plot wie aus einem Agententhriller: Ein undurchsichtiger Hackerkönig veröffentlicht Hunderttausende geheimer Dokumente und löst damit internationale Verwicklungen aus. Was noch vor einem Jahr ein unrealistisches [...]
By margreet riphagen, January 11, 2011
In december 2010 gaf Intermediair een ICT special uit. In deze uitgave ook een artikel over ‘zoeken tot in de ruimte – Google gaat de wereld nog wel een paar keer veroveren’. In dit artikel komen Geert en Peter Olsthoorn een aantal malen aan het woord over onder andere privacy. Geert heeft Peter Olsthoorn begeleidt [...]
By INC Team, January 7, 2011
Connecting the past and the future Retrospective from the collection with work from the 20th and 21st century 15 January – 29 May 2011 The past and the present are always connected. And this has persuaded the Graphic Design Museum to make connections between the history and the future of graphic image culture. The exhibition [...]
By INC Team, January 6, 2011
At the end of project the INC needs to report to the funders of a project. Download here the full reports of the CPOV, Wikipedia conference, the Society of the Query conference and the Economies of the Commons conference in which all the blogposts are gathered.
By sabine, January 5, 2011
After some of us traveled the world and others indulged in a writing retreat, the INC crew is back at the office, working on our upcoming event Video Vortex #6 (check out the design for this event, made by the Rotterdam-based design studio Team Thursday) and upcoming publications, such as the second Video Vortex Reader [...]
By morgancurrie, December 29, 2010
We were very happy with the turnout of the Economies of the Commons 2 conference in Amsterdam. For those of you who could not make it, there is a full video report of all presented lectures to be found at the DeBalie website and can also be watched below. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2010 Conference Keynote [...]
By margreet riphagen, December 23, 2010
The Institute of Network Cultures wishes you a merry Christmas and a great 2011! We are closed from the 24th of December till the 3rd of January. In this newsletter you can read more about: Upcoming conferences: ‘Video Vortex #6’ Conference | 11-12 March 2011, Amsterdam ‘What is a Book?’ Conference | 20-21 May 2011, [...]
By margreet riphagen, December 20, 2010
In the Xmas issue of the New York Review of Books Robert Darnton writes about the challenges that libraries face these days. Towards the end of his article he discusses the initiative to start a Digital National Archive in the United States. In this context Darnton makes some interesting remarks about Google Books: “Perhaps even [...]