net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By sabine, December 15, 2009
The Urban Screens Reader is the first book to focus entirely on the topic of urban screens. In assembling contributions from a range of leading theorists, in conjunction with a series of case studies dealing with artists’ projects and screen operators’ and curators’ experiences, the reader offers a rich resource for those interested in the [...]
By sabine, December 4, 2009
Paul Klotz is an applied art engineer and light designer who focuses on interactive light installations for public spaces. By means of light and sound installations which react to and integrate the movements of the passersby or of the people which interact with them, he attempts influence the movements and behavior of people in public [...]
Mettina Veenstra is the principal researcher and coordinator of the theme public spaces at Novay Research. Novay is a research institute for ICT driven innovation. Her presentation today at the Urban Screens conference focused on what public displays can do for public space in terms of stimulating encounters and interactions between people in public spaces. [...]
On the fourth of December, Trouw Amsterdam hosts the Urban Screens 09 seminar, about the City as Interface, or: from urban screens to media architecture in the city. At 1 pm, the Urban Screens Reader will arrive at the venue, which will be launched at 3.45 pm. Follow us on Twitter: #urbanscreens, and Flickr (tag: [...]
By margreet riphagen, November 29, 2009
What will happen to web cinema as we shift from learning to see and how to feel to learning how to participate in this new electronic space of modernity? Andrew Clay is the first speaker in the morning session and talks about web cinema; Mind the Gap! He is lecturing in Critical Technical Practices at [...]
By INC Team, November 23, 2009
Politics of online video Saturday, November 21, 2009 By Geert Lovink In his presentation the Glasgow-based Simon Yuill took us back to the 1980s and the media activism back then: films and videos produced during the miners strike and other riots and actions. This activity in the late 1990s transforms in ‘citizen journalism’. Yuill here [...]
By sabine, November 23, 2009
System Flaws and Tactics After the opening speech by Bram Crevits (Cimatics) and Geert Lovink (Institute of Network Cultures), the 5th edition of Video Vortex kicked off at the amazing Atomium in Brussels. The first session addressed System Flaws and Tactics. This session was inspired by the inherent errors, disabilities and restrictions of online video [...]
By margreet riphagen, November 16, 2009
Op woensdag 9 december 2009 vindt in De Balie in Amsterdam een symposium plaats over de staat van de kunstkritiek. Het symposium bestaat uit twee delen, een middag- en een avondprogramma. Het middagprogramma is gewijd aan de beeldende kunstkritiek, het avondprogramma aan kunstkritiek in bredere zin. Middag: ‘Critics Floating in the Virtual Sphere’ De digitale [...]
By margreet riphagen, July 15, 2009
CPOV event #1: WikiWars Call for Participation Wikipedia has emerged as the de facto global reference of dynamic knowledge. Different stakeholders – Wikipedians, users, academics, researchers, gurus of Web 2.0, publishing houses and governments have entered into fierce debates and discussions about what the rise of Wikipedia and Wiki cultures means and how they influence [...]
By margreet riphagen, July 3, 2009
Proudly we present the Winter Camp report; From Weak Ties to Organized Networks – Ideas, reports and Critiques. about the publication: In March 2009 the Institute of Network Cultures brought 12 networks to Amsterdam for a week of getting things done. Aim of Winter Camp was to connect the virtual with the real in order [...]