net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By sabine, October 25, 2005
The second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society is approaching and the need of being updated on the current events is evident. WSIS WIRE appeals to all interested in the WSIS process and especially to those taking part in it. WSIS WIRE, an independent news service offering an updated survey of news [...]
By sabine, October 15, 2005
This study, conducted by the Kaufman-Wills Group, dispels the notion that Open Access journals do not carry out peer review or copy-editing. However, many Open Access journals conduct peer review purely in-house, and fewer do proper copy-editing for style and grammar. By and large, Open Access journals are younger than subscription journals, though some of [...]
By sabine, October 11, 2005
17/9 – 20/11/2005 Why Mister, Why?, by the photographer Geert van Kesteren, is an exhibition about the fanatical but disastrous American attempts to bring peace and democracy to Iraq. The exhibition is a multimedia ‘translation’ of Van Kesteren’s much-lauded and prize-winning book Why Mister, Why? (2004) to the space of a museum. In this project [...] special issue on the art and politics of netporn In cooperation with the Institute of Network Cultures, has produced a special issue on The Art and Politics of Netporn. Although a growing number of theoretical and historical porn studies have appeared over the last decades, only few have focused on the analysis of [...]
By sabine, August 17, 2005
Discussieer in het Crossmedia forum mee over de laatste crossmedia projecten van de grootste televisiemakers en de kleinste podcasters. Laagdrempelig forum waar studenten, marketeers, concept-ontwikkelaars, onderzoekers, redacteuren, journalisten en andere geinteresseerden kunnen praten over crossmedia. On line sinds 12 aug. 2005 is een non-profit initiatief van
By sabine, August 15, 2005
by Sacha Constanza-Chock WWW.THOUGHT-THIEVES.ORG THOUGHT THIEVE$ is a short film showcase about corporate appropriation of knowledge, culture, and creativity. It is a grassroots response to the Micro$oft propaganda competition of the same name [see here]. Our version of THOUGHT THIEVE$ is about big companies stealing and profiting from the knowledge commons. Think about it: how [...]
By sabine, August 1, 2005
In zijn doctoraalscriptie -Bloggen is zo 2004- onderzoekt Sjoerd van der Helm (UvA nieuwe media) de verschillende facetten van de Nederlandse blogosphere. Vanuit zijn eigen interesse in het nieuwe fenomeen kwam het idee om verder onderzoek te doen en de Nederlandse weblogwereld in kaart te brengen. Vooral door de enorme groei die het nieuwe genre [...]
By sabine, July 21, 2005
The Institute of Network Cultures will be closed from July 25 until August 12. For urgent matters you can contact sabine:, she will check her email regularly. Have a nice summer!
By sabine, July 6, 2005
Design by Francien Frommé, Click here for more info on The Art and Politics of Netporn. Click here for the netporn wiki. Click here for the netporn resources (del.ici.ous). Click here for the netporn mailinglist.
By sabine, July 5, 2005
Research Report by Kim van Haaster After doing fieldwork in Santiago de Cuba in 2003, I recently revisited Cuba for a new research project in Havana with an emphasis on ICT for development issues. I studied the current situation on ICT for Development in Cuba, and focused on a new university called la Universidad de [...]