net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By sabine, April 28, 2005
Kwaliteit is het sleutelwoord Verslag van – The Economics & Mechanics of Blogging 21 april 2005, Amsterdam Door Sjoerd van der Helm is het eerste Nederlandse symposium dat geheel aan bloggen gewijd is. Het symposium is georganiseerd om antwoord te geven op vragen die rijzen nu bloggen een steeds belangrijkere rol in [...]
By sabine, April 27, 2005
Workers distracted by email and phone calls suffer a fall in IQ more than twice that found in marijuana smokers, new research has claimed. The study for computing firm Hewlett Packard warned of a rise in “infomania”, with people becoming addicted to email and text messages. Researchers found 62% of people checked work messages at [...]
By sabine, April 19, 2005
Cut.up.magazine ( invites proposals for a special issue on the art and politics of netporn. Cut.up.magazine ( nodigt uit tot het inzenden van voorstellen voor een speciale editie over de kunst en politiek van netporn.
By sabine, April 18, 2005
Dear friends, greetings form sunny Santa Monica / Los Angeles! My previous residence at Baltic [UK] finished only week ago. I was there after invitation by Sarah Cook. It was great there, meeting great people from east-north England and lot of [hard] working. Two new videos are about to be complete this days in long-distance [...]
GRENZE / Lectures of the Capital by Karl Marx // video performance / Patrick Fontana // Electronic music / Aelters // Graphics designer / Pierre-Yves Fave // Grenze is supported by : ministère de la culture et de la communication, DICREAM / SCAM, Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia /CTC, Collectivité Territoriale de Corse / [...]
By sabine, April 13, 2005
Working Conference Program Incommunicado 05 De Balie, Amsterdam June 15: Public Event June 16-17: Work Conference Organization: Institute of Network Cultures, Waag Society, Sarai. Please note that this draft program includes several ‘optional’ sessions. This is somewhat unusual but in line with the experimental approach to the event,which has been set up in part to [...]
By sabine, March 31, 2005
Michael Bauwens’ essay describes the emergence, or expansion, of a specific type of relational dynamic, which I call peer to peer. It’s a form of human network-based organisation which rests upon the free participation of equipotent partners, engaged in the production of common resources, without recourse to monetary compensation as key motivating factor, and not [...]
By sabine, March 24, 2005
Dutch statement on E-Culture From ICT to E-culture, by the Dutch Culture Council, Ministry of OC&W.
By sabine, March 22, 2005
Have you ever heard of MayDay, the global workers’ day of celebration: a tradition born in the USA, mummified in Russia and China, and neglected in Europe during the rise of neoliberalism and the all-too moderate politics of trade unionism? Its no surprise if MayDay means nothing to you, because in the Netherlands it has [...]
By Goran Batic (researcher for the Institute of Network Cultures) In 1994 the World Wide Web crept out of its scientific and academic egg and entered the first phases of popular consciousness. At this point the web design explosion began. Ten years later, we would like to stand back and attempt to map something of [...]