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About the book: What happens to our everyday language in the digital sphere? How does ‘the post-digital condition’ change the world in which we think about ourselves and talk to one another? In Shadowbook: Writing Through the Digital 2014-2018, Miriam Rasch investigates these questions in five experimental essays and one exposition. From the way the smartphone molds the language of desire and friendship to the possibilities of writing a ‘spreadsheet novel’ – Shadowbook is a testimony to post-digital writing by way of writing. It salutes both the beauty of the web and what hides in the shadows. Even in the bright and shiny sphere of the digital, the dark side is never far off.
About the author: Miriam Rasch works as a researcher for the Institute of Network Cultures and is a writer, critic and essayist. In 2015 she was awarded the Jan Hanlo Essay Award for her essay ‘A Small Organic Banana: Phonophilia in 12 Scenes’, which is included in this collection. Her book Zwemmen in de oceaan: Berichten uit een postdigitale wereld was published by the Dutch publisher De Bezige Bij in 2017.
With a foreword by Maria Fusco.
Colophon: Copy-editing: Matt Beros. Design and EPUB development: Leonieke van Dipten. Printer: Groenprint. Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, 2018. ISBN: 978-94-92302-23-6, paperback, 154 pages.
Shadowbook had a small print run of 300 copies, free of charge and with free shipping. While the paper copies are out of stock, order your copy on Lulu as print-on-demand.