About the book: The relation of your handwriting and typing exposes the contention of efficiency in a world driven by the ever-increasing compression of all things. Fake wood is more natural than an honest answer: lying reaffirms the truth based on negation only to move into a grey area. You are not excited? The potential of rusted ideas polished as a brand is the obsession of future-trending. 24/7 specs. You flip the script: house to the jacked sound of information overflow. Noise is controlled for the sake of our compromise called communication. Flip to the first; jack to the sound of overused eyeglasses lacking prescription, designed to make perfect vision appear unfashionable. The murals stored in the cloud become available on the screens of anyone willing to transgress experience as a virtual factor of lack. This is not your place, but a localized tweet. Refresh gives you, and everyone else, instant hope to experience something new; passive action becomes the foundation of a radical lifestyle.
Spate is a poetic reflection on networked media composed with repurposed tweets.
Eduardo Navas is an artist, writer, and media theorist who is interested in the potential of creative production and critical thinking in culture and media. He is the author of Remix Theory: The Aesthetics of Sampling and co-editor of The Routledge Companion to Remix Studies. Navas researches and teaches at Penn State’s School of Visual Arts.
Colophon: Editorial support: Miriam Rasch. Design: Léna Robin & Leonieke van Dipten. EPUB development: Leonieke van Dipten. Printer: Print on Demand. Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, 2016. ISBN: 978-94-92302-11-3, paperback, 78 pages.