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Organisers: Erella Grassiani, Mikki Stelder, Ihab Saloul, Chiara de Cesari, Sudeep Dasgupta, Yolande Jansen | A three-week interactive lecture series about the political and social reality in the region and how we got here. | Amsterdam University Library (Doelenzaal)
Event details of History is not context, it's reality; On Israel/Palestine: The Ongoing Nakba
20 October 2023
12:00 -13:30

Organisers: Erella Grassiani, Mikki Stelder, Ihab Saloul, Chiara de Cesari, Sudeep Dasgupta, Yolande Jansen 

Confused about what is happening in Israel and the Palestinian Territories? Want to learn more? Join academics and other experts for the teach-in “History is Not Context, It’s Reality” – On Israel/Palestine. A three-week interactive lecture series about the political and social reality in the region and how we got here.

Friday 20 October 12-13.30: The Ongoing Nakba.  

Chiara de Cesari (UvA confirmed), Sudeep Dasgupta (UvA c), Dina Zbeidy (Leiden University tbc), Mikki Stelder (UvA c) 

Friday 27 October 12-13.30 International Law and the Right to resist. 

Jeff Handmaker (EUR/ISS, c), Omar Barghouti (UvA, c), Alessandra Spadaro (c)  

Free lunch offered by research school ASCA, registration: (names will not be shared)

Friday 3 November 12-13.30: Eu and Dutch Disourses on Israel/Palestine, and alternative voices.

TBA (not ready organising yet). Asked to speak: Dimitris Bouris (UvA, tbc), Berber van der Woude (former diplomat, tbc), Itaï van de Wal (UU/ELSC, tbc). Free lunch offered by Central Diversity Officer, registration needed 

University Library

Room Doelenzaal
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam