INC site nominated for the 2008 WPMU Awards

When: November 24, 2008

The Institute of Network Cultures website is nominated for the 2008 WPMU Awards. The site developed by Anne Helmond and Erik Borra was launched first of June 2008.

The idea behind these awards is to be an opportunity for site owners to get respect and feedback from showcasing their work and for the rest of us to draw inspiration from their achievements.

So please show your appreciation and vote now πŸ™‚

Voting is now open in the 2008 Awards!

WordPress MU rocks the house, it’s a stunning piece of code developed in an inspirational way by amazing people and supported by plugin coders that would make any community jealous – which is why we ran the 2008 WPMU plugins competition. But, at the end of the day, plugins and brilliant code are nothing without the sites that apply them and the brave souls who enter into the world of multi-blog-hosting via WordPress MU.