Interactive Media in 2015

When: April 2, 2009

by Sabine Niederer

The INC is based at the School for Interactive Media, Amsterdam University of Applied Science. Last year, our former director Emilie Randoe initiated a research project into the near future of Interactive Media. Together with professionals from the field of new media, we came upp with an initial four scenarios during an event at Picnic 07. Subsequently, a research group of INC and IAM colleagues further developed these scenarios into insecure but probable stories of the future. The final writing of the stories was done by Twan Eijkelenboom.
I presented the scenario method and the outcomes of this research into the field of Interactive Media in 2015 on April 1st, at a day for Dutch Communication And Multimedia Design Schools (of which the School of Interactive Media is one), which took place at the Mediacollege in Hilversum. After the presentation, the scenarios were discussed with the participants which led to interesting recommendations for the next phase of the research, whis is developing a new vision and profile for the School of Interactive Media. This will then form the basis for changes in the curriculum next year.

The four scenario’s are online (in Dutch) at The research forms the basis of the new curriculum, which will be developed later this year. For non-Dutch speakers, I’d be happy to provide more information on request. Feel free to send an email to sabine (at) networkcultures (dot) org.