Plokta TV

When: April 1, 2020 -
April 5, 2020

PloktaTV will be live between 1 and 5 April

Let’s return to the golden age of broadcasting, when the medium really was the message, and the tube was the shining light bringing households together. To watch events unfold – good, bad, revolutionary.

The festival might have been postponed, but the show must go on!

Today as the pandemic shuts us in our homes, Plokta TV connects works and creators from around the world, exploring technologies and their effects on society, for better or worse. This channel rolls on in synchronicity, just like back when families witnessed the world’s shifts simultaneously through cathode ray monitors.

“In television, images are projected at you. You are the screen. The images wrap around you. You are the vanishing point.” Marshall McLuhan, 1966.

Long gone are the times when media scholars made dramatic claims about TV, whether as the great democratiser, or the idiot box – the new collective culture, or the bad omen of the society of the spectacle. Technology may have moved on, but TV has become yet again a gathering point with newfound relevance for a time when gatherings are no longer permitted.

So tune in your dial, and gather round the warm glow of your set.

Stay home. Watch TV. PloktaTV.

Check out the OPEN CALL if you would like to show your work on PloktaTV. Send it in as soon as possible, PloktaTV is almost going live…