Grab your your chance to engage in a conversation with one of the most fascinating philosophers of our time.
Timothy Morton (philosopher and professor at the Rice University in Houston, USA) is concerned with the question of how humans relate to ecology. 12.500 years ago, we divided the world into nature and culture, into man and animal, with man in the leading role. This way of thinking in terms of boundaries and species, also known as anthropocentrism, must change because humans, animals and things are interwoven, according to Morton. We are all symbiotic beings that are intertwined with other symbiotic beings.
His books are an invitation to start thinking in an associative, playful way. ‘Dark Ecology’ (2016) is now considered a standard work and ‘Being Ecological’ (2018) is his most recent book. Don’t expect it to give you a summary of ecological facts and figures or an accusatory monologue, but rather a plea for handling ecological knowledge in a more sincere way.
INC’s Miriam Rasch will hold an introductory lecture. She is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Network Cultures, doing projects on hybrid publishing, the future of cultural criticism and digital ethics. Her book on life in post-digital times ‘Zwemmen in de oceaan’ was published in 2017. A new book on ethics and dataism ‘Frictie’ will hit the bookshops in 2020.
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