‘Internet of Things’ notebook launch

When: October 29, 2008

Tuesday the 28th of October we launched the network notebook by Rob van Kranenburg, and Sean Dodson at Waag Society. The video will be online at the end of the week, and the pictures can be viewed on flickr.

Master of Media Tjerk Timan has blogged the event.

Special thanks to Margreet Riphagen, Sam Nemeth and Lipika Bansal, for organizing all this, and to Martijn de Waal, Eric Kluitenberg, and Denis Jaromil Rojo for their wonderful contributions. And again: huge congratulations to Rob van Kranenburg and Sean Dodson!

Rob van Kranenburg at the network notebook launch

More about this publication, and the downloadable pdf: https://networkcultures.org/publications/network-notebooks/the-internet-of-things/.
Order a printed copy by email: books[at]networkcultures[dot]org

Download the presentation of Denis Jaromil Rojo here.