Introducing MoneyLab speakers: Dette Glashouwer

Dette Glashouwer was one of the founders and directors of the Dutch theater trio Suver Nuver. After 21 years of collaboration, the theatre company came to an end and so did Dette’s job. At the time the financial crisis broke out and peakoil came closer, Dette Glashouwer lost her income. She traveled to America, Norway, Istanbul, she performed in theaters, festivals, people’s homes, at banks and Timebanks. She spoke with scientists, visionaires, philosophers and out of the box thinkers to get an answer on her question: ‘what is money, how does this moneysystem effect our planet and is there an alternative, is transition possible?

Dette Glashouwer states that money never interested her and that she used to feel fear when she thought about the subject. However, after taking a money workshop in Oslo and being asked to teach it to people in Amsterdam, she dove deeper into the subject. Dette read books on the history of money, the different psychological money-types and how how this moneysystem never allows sustainable living.


Now, she is doing stand up economy, a series of artistic performances related to the subject of money and its alternatives. She has played these abroad, from New York to San Francisco, Berlin to Riga, Nairobi to Durban. Dette Glashouwer will be at the MoneyLab conference in March, as part of the Critical Art Practices session.

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