Art in Permacrisis #7: Kate Rich and Radical Administration

For this episode I had a conversation with artist, trader, and researcher Kate Rich. We discussed ‘feral trade’, an international grocery business set up by Kate, for which her traveling (art world) friends and acquaintances act as couriers. We then talked about ‘radmin’, a long-term effort to radicalize the administrative work that’s always there, but usually remains in the background, even in social art practices.

Art in Permacrisis is a podcast on the organization of art workers in the face of the ever-growing stack of crises. This episode was recorded in Brussels, in a studio generously offered by Rune Peitersen and Level Five Cooperative, and hosted by Sepp Eckenhaussen.

Links & References

Feral Trade website:
2013 interview about Feral Trade:
Katherine Gibson and Kate Rich, ‘Feral Trade: Taking back Markets for People and the Planet’:
Radmin Reader 2020:
Article by FoAM-founders:
Article about the Institute for Experiments with Business (IBEX):


Art in Permacrisis is a collaboration between the Institute of Network Cultures and Caradt. It is part of the research program Our Creative Reset.  The podcast hosts are Candela Cubria and Sepp Eckenhaussen.
