Research applicable tools, formats and workflows to redefine infrastructural publishing collaborations.
Diaries, practices, and opinions on communication and relations in times of war.
Researching hybridity in the cultural field within three domains: hybrid events, living archives, and hybrid publications.
Discourses, practices, and ethics around the viral image.
In search of economic sustainability in the arts
Expanded publishing for practice-based research.
MoneyLab is a network of artists, activists, and geeks experimenting with forms of financial democratization in the digital economy.
The texts and archives of Geert Lovink
Video Vortex: Moving Image Beyond YouTube
Urgent Publishing: Research through Practice
Morphic Minds is a mercurial school exploring artificiality and intelligence, locality and cosmos, language and poetry.
Video witnessing, emotive images, and data feminism
“Living industry” reflects on boredom. And human interaction with the logos. By Maisa Imamović.
STRIPTHƎSIS is a multidisciplinary platform focused on bridging the gap between absurd thinking and the rational analysis of reality. By Manuel Robim.
Everyone is an entrepreneur. Nobody is safe. A blog by Silvio Lorusso.
The dissatisfactions of everyday life. Cultural analyses by Jess Henderson
Navigating Emotional Tensions Within Social Movements During the Rise of Platform Fascism . A research blog by Chloë Arkenbout
The Technological Zombie: Snapshots of ordinary onlife in the time of the digital 'new normal'. A blog by Donatella Della Ratta
Desktopia: interfaces' surfaces, façades, facelifts & făcētĭae. A blog by Albert Figurt
The Cloud-Based Designer: Exit strategies for a platformed practice. A blog by Paul Bille
Metaphors, Strategies, and Experiences of Translating Cultural Events to the Internet. A blog by Marijn Bril
Specters of Control. By Felix Maschewski and Anna-Verena Nosthoff
The PublishingLab conducts applied research by doing innovative experiments in the field of (digital) publishing.
The Art of Criticism: A European Network for Experiments in Art Criticism
Art, Work, and Identity in an Age of Planetary-Scale Computation
Fear and Loathing of the Online Self: A Savage Journey into the Heart of Digital Cultures.
From Cryptowars to Lessons of Love: Contesting Capture Technology, by Patricia de Vries.
Een online toekomst voor Nederlands-Vlaamse kunstkritiek
DIgital Publishing Toolkit: in what way can a platform be created with new tools for open source-publishing?
Society of the Query: Web Search and Search Engines
MyCreativity: a reality check on the creative industries
Out of Ink: Future of the Publishing Industries
CPOV, Critical Point of View: Wikipedia and the Politics of Open Knowledge
Culture Vortex: public participation in online collections
Economies of the Commons: political economy of new media and its consequences for the cultural sector.
Unlike Us: Understanding Social Media Monopolies and Their Alternatives
Urban Screens, a series of events and seminars around the theme of outdoor display screens in urban areas.
Winter Camp: from weak ties to organized networks
Incommunicado: ICT 4 Development
The Art and Politics of Netporn was the first major international conference on netporn criticism.
New Network Theory explores contemporary network theory.
A Decade of Webdesign: a conference marking the first ten years of web design.
Bilwet Portrait gallery: the archive contains editions from the Bilwet Portrait gallery and various other interviews and lectures.
Performance of Code: Articulate the resonances and dissonances between performing arts and computer science. By Nancy Mauro-Flude
A proof of research into de-centralized technologies and emergent forms of network governance. By Max Dovey