Teach-Out Palestine: Gaza in Context, 17 November @ The Black Archives (new location!)

Teach-Out Palestine: Gaza in Context
Friday 17 November, 17:30, The Black Archives, Zeeburgerdijk 19b, 1093SK Amsterdam

In response to ongoing violence in Gaza, members of the VU-community will come together to deepen their understanding of the current context, its backgrounds, and repercussions. Please note that in response to the VY Amsterdam’s cancellation, this event will now take place as a Teach-Out instead of a Teach-In.

Sara Rachdan, PhD Candidate, VU Medical Center;
Prof. dr. Yolande Jansen, Special Professor of Humanism in Relation to Religion and Secularity, VU Amsterdam
Dr. Jeff Handmaker, Associate Professor of Legal Sociology, ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Rawan Masri and Fathi Nemer, Decolonize Palestine.

The teach-in is supported by the faculties of Humanities, Law, and Social Sciences, and will be chaired by Prof. dr. Pepijn Brandon, Professor Global Economic and Social History, VU Amsterdam, and Dr. Nawal Mustafa, Postdoctoral Researcher, Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law, VU Amsterdam.
