sex will seem tame after the soiree here (or, conversations with the cartographer who is still sharpening his tools)

sex will seem tame after the soiree here (or, conversations with the cartographer who is still sharpening his tools)

In this state, I am absolutely incompetent in having a conversation which doesn’t sound like poetry. My apologies, it is not an affectation. I am exercising constraints in writing, its calls are very compelling. I am floating aboard the flying Dutchman, my destinations always lost. 

No it’s good! Makes you a fantastic, if demanding conversationalist! (what a word!)

‘an average traveller knows where sHe goes, an above average traveller realises where sHe comes from, but the true traveller is aware of none of those’

That’s an idea for an intellectual olyfans offering. It will be a strip-conversation, any topic is allowed. Until they don’t get bored of the conversation, they pay, otherwise I take off a piece every time their logic, poetry or insight leaves me wanting for more. I shall be brutally truthful about it. I will need a moderator & it can only be you, if you agree, let’s rake up some gold. Comrade in Crime. 

A 1000 & 1 Nights scenario? …

Of course & Indeed, revolution is the offer, after all, it is the friskiest fun a girl can have with her clothes on;

Sex will seem tame after the soiree here!


