First Monday special issue: Unlike Us




First Monday, one of the first openly accessible, peer–reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet, has a special Unlike Us edition this March. Follow this link to read the articles:

Introduction: Understanding social media monopolies
Korinna Patelis, Pavlos Hatzopoulos

Society doesn’t exist
Jodi Dean

Silence, delirium, lies?
Caroline Bassett

What’s on your mind? Social media monopolies and noopower
Robert William Gehl

Smell the fish: Digital Disneyland and the right to oblivion
Oliver Leistert

Social media as a government propaganda tool in post-revolutionary Egypt
Sara El-Khalili text: Industrialising personal data production
Korinna Patelis

Special issue — Unlike Us: Understanding social media monopolies
The ubiquitous presence of social media in everyday life has not been met by equally pervasive research efforts for their critical understanding, due mostly to the increasing specialization and fragmentation of academic research. This special issue includes papers that attempt to set out a research platform that overcomes both the dominant quantitative analyses and the privacy paradigm in current social media research.
