Call for Speculative Theory: Critical Meme Reader #2: Memetic Tacticality 

The power of memes has developed beyond virtual images. The distinction between the virtual and the ‘real life’ no longer applies, or perhaps never really existed. The effects (or should we say affects?) of memes move through digital infrastructures, policies, regulations, agencies, and bodies. How can we democratically and collectively design memes as an active contribution to society and the cultural field? What tools and principles are needed for this? And what if we use the logic of memes to develop progressive ideas for a better (internet) future? 

After the success of the Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image, the Institute of Network Cultures is publishing a second reader. The Critical Meme Reader #2: Memetic Tacticality will be edited by Chloë Arkenbout, Geert Lovink and Laurence Scherz.

For this reader we are looking specifically for theorists to share their work on the state of the art of meme theory. Topics could include, but are not limited to:

  • Political or philosophical discourses 
  • Experimental speculative theory
  • Psychoanalysis 
  • Art, visual culture and image analysis 
  • Social media and communication, internet and network cultures, platform (capitalism)

Deadline for proposals: 10th of April
Acceptance or rejection of proposals: 15th of April
Deadline first draft: 22nd of May
Deadline second draft: 1st of July
Copyediting: July + August
Production: September + October
Launch: November  

Contributions can be between 500 and 5000 words and should be in essay form.

Submissions: viralimageculture@networkcultures.rog