Live Streaming·THE VOID T.V.·Video Podcast

THE VOID | Tactical Video #1 – Stream Archive

February 23rd, 2024

This is the archival page of THE VOID | Tactical Video #1. This hybrid event took place in the TV studios of the Amsterdam Applied Science University on the 15th of February 2024 (16:30-19:00)

Inspired by the production and distribution methods of television, with THE VOID T.V. we want to explore the possibilities of online video streaming to create regular events. Rather than depicting events, with this series of broadcasts THE VOID will manufacture events. Bringing back the ambitions of tactical media, during these broadcasts video becomes a space for gathering, making alliances, conspiring, and creating networks of solidarity. This hybrid space is open for monthly collaborations with activists, researchers, and artists interested in exploring the tactical possibilities of video.

T.V. Program

Full Episode

Intro by T.V. Team

The Real Housewives of Knowledge (Performance Lecture) By Riad Salameh

Tactical Media Room (Interview with Palestinian activist Sam Adnan and Omar Kareem by Anthony Mateo)

Gaming Intermission by Jordi Viader Guerrero and Giulia Timis


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