net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Donatella Della Ratta, May 1, 2020
Episode 1 with introduction: Episode 2: Episode 3: Italian translation: Episode 4: LOVE (NOT) AT FIRST SIGHT In collaboration with Danielle, Shaina, Briana, Jackie, Marta, Gabriella, Sydney, Elena, Sophia and Natalia This week we read excerpts from Eva Illouz’s Cold Intimacies. The Making of Emotional Capitalism and watched the video: ‘How Emotions Are Made’ ‘Thought that I was going crazy Just havin’ one those [...]
By Donatella Della Ratta, April 23, 2020
Episode 1 with introduction: Episode 2: Episode 3: LOVE AND SEX IN TIMES OF COVID-19 In collaboration with Danielle, Shaina, Briana, Jackie, Marta, Gabriella, Sydney, Elena, Sophia and Natalia This week’s readings: Excerpts from Eva Illouz’s Cold Intimacies. The Making of Emotional Capitalism and excerpts from Melissa Broder’s So Sad Today Day 44 since the lockdown started in Italy. My Facebook wall is populated [...]
By Donatella Della Ratta, April 16, 2020
‘We wait. We are bored. No, don’t protest, we are bored to death, there’s no denying it. Good. A diversion comes along and what do we do? We let it go to waste.’
By Silvio Lorusso, April 15, 2020
A dispatch from Salvatore Iaconesi, artist and technologist based in Rome [This dispatch, originally published in Italian on the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, is part of a series. Read the previous ones here.] We are fragile. Of so many different frailties. The state of quarantine makes us touch the borders of these fragility: economic, [...]
By Silvio Lorusso, April 14, 2020
A dispatch from Lídia Pereira, Portuguese writer and designer based in Rotterdam [This dispatch is part of a series: read the previous ones here.] “I am thinking of all the things that I cannot think about because I cannot feel them because I cannot live them because I live here I am here and despite everything [...]
By Silvio Lorusso, April 13, 2020
A dispatch from Alex Foti, writer and activist based in Milan [This dispatch is part of a series: read the previous ones here.] Nothing can never be the same. Nothing must never be the same. While the former is often repeated by pundits in these weeks of house arrest, the latter really is the assumption that [...]
Dispatch from Alina Lupu, Romanian Artist Based in Amsterdam [This dispatch is part of a series: read the previous one here.] As a generally resistant person, tending to be first and foremost critical of every situation as well as hard to engage in the first stage, I find it fascinating that this reorientation towards online [...]
by Silvio Lorusso and Geert Lovink During these long days, thinking is hard. Coronavirus updates come from every milieu: friends, family, work, governments, finance, the economy at large. None of them can be ignored. Remember, we used to complain about information overload. What about now? Now that we’re uninterruptedly tuned to different sources, from apps, [...]
By Donatella Della Ratta, April 9, 2020
On March 5, 2020, the Italian government ordered a lockdown for all schools. A few days later, now a month ago (feels like ages), on March 9, all Italian cities, and all of us, human beings, were placed on a strict lockdown due to the coronavirus crisis. No more going out, no more walking, no [...]
By Barbara Dubbeldam, April 3, 2020
INC is proud to announce the publication of The Arab Archive, edited by Donatella Della Ratta, Kay Dickinson, and Sune Haugbolle. As the revolutions across the Arab world that came to a head in 2011 devolved into civil war and military coup, representation and history acquired a renewed and contested urgency. The capacities of the [...]