net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By ainibestari, June 8, 2017
Written by: Dwi Aini Bestari Nowadays, the internet becomes increasingly embedded in our lives. People are engaged in social media platforms everyday; expressing emotions through status updates, uploading selfies and tagging the locations to the social media platforms or tracking movements through wearable device and posting them online. These data that we [...]
By Leonieke van Dipten, July 3, 2017
Het boek In Defence of Serendipity: For a Radical Politics of Innovation van Sebastian Olma verscheen in December 2016 en kwam tot stand na een jarig fellowship bij het Instituut voor Netwerkcultuur. Door Eke Rebergen Sebastian Olma wil in zijn boek In Defence of Serendipity de creatievelingen tot de orde roepen. Terecht, zo wil ik [...]
By Leonieke van Dipten, May 19, 2017
‘The Post-digital Condition’ is the English translation of the opening essay from Swimming in the Ocean: Texts from a Post-digital World, the essay collection by INC’s very own Miriam Rasch to be published in Dutch by renowned publishing house De Bezige Bij in June 2017. The essay is published in the INC Longform series. The translation [...]
By ainibestari, May 17, 2017
Author: Dwi Aini Bestari ( In INC’s Theory on Demand publication titled “Playful Mapping in Digital Age”, the notions of play and mapping are comprehensively described through various case studies and approaches; geography, game studies, new media studies, etc. One of the cases explained in the book is The Go Go Gozo, a collaborative field [...]
By grainne, May 4, 2017
At the Institute of Network Cultures we are encouraging the publication of longform articles and to that end we are looking for new submissions for the INC Longform series. We are looking for authors from both freelance and professional backgrounds, working on interesting topics and eager to share their work with a wide international audience. [...]
By ainibestari, May 1, 2017
Author: Dwi Aini Bestari [] Growing up in still developing Indonesia, I’ve witnessed how the society, especially in urban areas, struggles with the messiness of disintegrated systems between information and transportation; worsening the already horrifying traffic due to uncontrolled numbers of private vehicles. This creates an urgent need of a more secure and controlled transportation [...]
By Miriam Rasch, April 25, 2017
Listen to the third episode of the podcast of the Institute of Network Cultures, in which Miriam Rasch and Geert Lovink discuss the politics of the database with Kenneth Werbin and Nikos Voyiatzis, zooming in on the power of listing technologies and the need to crack open the list. Want to know more? Check out [...]
By grainne, April 3, 2017
Is our contemporary reality one of the free global citizen or the ‘smart’ engineered cyborg? Evgeny Morozov on the revolution of our hassle-free lifestyle. Do you remember that Google search for a hummus bar five months ago? Or the Facebook credentials you exchanged in return for city WiFi last week? Or those photos of last [...]
By grainne, March 28, 2017
The latest INC Longform publication Digital Desolation–Amateurs, Aesthetics and the Aging of Web’s Architecture by Tatjana Seitz should come with a disclaimer for 90’s web nostalgia. As historians abandon master narratives and other disciplines deny historical models of explanation, there has never been a more paradoxical topic than the vernacular web and the authenticity of 90’s [...]
By Leonieke van Dipten, March 1, 2017
We proudly present our second podcast, Postdigital Publishing. In this episode we discuss the future of (digital) publishing through interviews with Janneke Adema, Michael Dieter, Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke. Although digital technologies promised a renaissance in the publishing industries, publishers still struggle with digital innovations and try to hold on to traditional workflows, production, [...]