net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Geert Lovink, January 29, 2015
“Cyberselfish/a critical romp through the terribly libertarian culture of high-tech”, which I have nicknamed “That Damned Book” aka TDB, came out in the year 2000. It’s been more than a little disconcerting that TDB turns out to still have relevance, as did short pieces I wrote such as “How the Internet Ruined San Francisco” (in [...]
“Cyberselfish” 15 years after publication Part II: Where am I going and where have I been The complex truth behind how I got into writing about technology and writing about it the way that I did. The truth behind this is complicated but it finally seems time to explain how it -really- all happened. I [...]
Paulina Borsook should be considered California’s first generation net critics, writing a decade before Carr, Lanier, Keen, Turkle and Morozov took the center stage and mainstreamed the genre. Much like the scattered initiatives and individuals such as Bad Subjects, Steve Cisler, David Hudson and Phil Agre (just to list a few random names), Paulina Borsook [...]
By patricia, January 26, 2015
This Friday we present the Digital Publishing Toolkit at the Transmediale Festival in Berlin. This publication is part of the Digital Publishing Toolkit research project. The Toolkit is meant for everyone working in art and design publishing. It provides hands-on practical advice and tools, focusing on working solutions for low-budget, small-edition publishing. Editorial scenarios include art and [...]
By margreet riphagen, December 23, 2014
The last year within the Digital Publishing Toolkit research project, Hogeschool van Amsterdam and Hogeschool Rotterdam together with various designers and developers, collaboratively worked on the EPUB From Print to Ebooks: a Hybrid Publishing Toolkit for the Arts. This Toolkit is meant for everyone working in art and design publishing. No specific expertise of digital technology, [...]
By Geert Lovink, December 7, 2014
Dear friends, To support students’ hunger strike, I initiated a reading action in the past few days next to the hunger strike camp in the Occupation Zone. Hong Kong is cold and windy now. But many young people brought their books and read quietly together for hours. The Occupation is now over 70 days, and [...]
By Miriam Rasch, November 6, 2014
The INC was at the Elevate Festival in Graz, an amazing gathering of creative and artistic, engaged and activistic people who discuss and dance almost 24/7 – changing the world one hack, poem or tune at a time. I took part in two panels: Reality is the Next Big Thing and Media & Technology. On [...]
By Miriam Rasch, November 3, 2014
At the launch of the latest issue of art magazine Kunstlicht I gave a short talk about online art criticism. Using my own experience in online literary critique and the transfer from paper to e-publishing, I want to introduce the concept of hybrid criticism. (The slides are in Dutch, but still easy to follow I [...]
By patricia, October 16, 2014
The MoneyLab team and the Design Thinkers Group is organising a design battle in March 2015. In preparation of this battle, we are organising a (invite only) prototype design fiction brainstorm this Monday the 20th at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. What does money look like in 2030? We realize our current financial system [...]
By Miriam Rasch, October 9, 2014
Out now! The Allure of the Selfie: Instagram and the New Self-Portrait by Brooke Wendt. Over 130 million images with the hashtag ‘selfie’ have been uploaded to the social media platform Instagram. In The Allure of the Selfie: Instagram and the New Self-Portrait, Brooke Wendt examines the significant hold that the ‘selfie’, or the digital [...]