net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Miriam Rasch, September 17, 2013
The official launch of Anti-Media. Ephemera on Speculative Arts was held on September 13th in WORM in Rotterdam. Florian Cramer gave an 8 hour lecture, improvisation-style. At 16.00h Geert Lovink launched the book with this short interview. Check this page for more information on the publication. [View the story “Florian Cramer – an 8 [...]
By Miriam Rasch, September 10, 2013
Nu verkrijgbaar: Slim zoeken op internet van Maarten Sprenger. Maarten Sprenger is ook te gast bij Society of the Query #2, waar hij zal vertellen over zijn gids en over zijn speciale zoekmachine voor kinderen. Ook geschikt voor volwassenen! Iets opzoeken kan iedereen. Maar iets vinden dat je nog niet kent is lastiger, want internet [...]
By Miriam Rasch, July 8, 2013
Subscribe to our newsletter here. We are closed from July 15th – August 19th. Have a nice summer! In this newsletter you can read more about: Digital Publishing Toolkit Society of the Query #2: 7-8 November, 2013 Out now: Florian Cramer – Anti-Media Unlike Us: Videos, blogs and conference report online /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Digital Publishing Toolkit [...]
By Miriam Rasch, June 25, 2013
Florian Cramer, lecturer at the Rotterdam based Willem de Kooning Academy, demonstrates in his new collection of essays Anti-Media, how media and art critique constantly reflect on their own tradition, language and manifestations, while at the same time trying to subvert them. In the essays Cramer presents and analyzes a wide range of subcultures – [...]
By Geert Lovink, June 25, 2013
De gigant is wakker, maar weet niet goed wat hij wil Door Ellen Sluis in Rio de Janeiro Saímos do Facebook, “We zijn van Facebook afgegaan”, is een veelvoorkomende leus op de spandoeken van de demonstranten hier in Brazilië. Oftewel: Wij zijn niet langer ‘passief’ op Facebook en nemen daadwerkelijk actie. Sinds een week of [...]
By Geert Lovink, June 5, 2013 The Research Unit in Public Cultures (RUPC) was established in 2012 and is housed in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne (Australia). It focuses on transformations in public culture produced by new intersections of knowledge, media, space and mobility, within Australia and internationally. The Unit seeks to develop new [...]
By Miriam Rasch, May 21, 2013
Last Monday (May 21st) Geert Lovink appeared on the Dutch radio program Villa VPRO in a broadcast on social media. Other guests were multimedia journalist Peter Olsthoorn and internet expert Danny Mekic. In the first half of the broadcast they discussed the power of Facebook and Google, and in the second half they reflected on [...]
By Miriam Rasch, May 8, 2013
By Stijn Peeters It’s become an almost reassuring ritual: whenever Facebook changes its layout, adds a feature or modifies its privacy policy, the internet will quickly be filled with people screaming bloody murder, sharing ways to keep using the older settings and setting up petitions to let Facebook know that this time they’ve really made [...]
By Andrew Erlanger Y U No Guy has been bestowed with ‘God Tier’ status on for articulating some of society’s most pressing questions. In this instance, he inquires as to why Facebook couples seem intent on projecting their relationships throughout Mark Zuckerberg’s empire rather than keeping them private – a curious trend that shows [...]
By margreet riphagen, April 9, 2013
By Ali Balunywa A qualitative research of the mobile money phenomenon in Uganda carried out by Geert Lovink (INC), assisted by Ali Balunywa (independent media consultant) Background Five Master students from the University of Amsterdam, Ali Balunywa, Wouter Dijkstra, Ben White, Guido van Diepen and Kai Henriquez Uganda for two months of field research. The [...]