net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By morgancurrie, November 14, 2010
Rufus Pollock intervention in the Open Content, tools and technology panel was different by all means to the rest of the session, not only because he finally couldn’t be in Amsterdam and had to join via Skype, but because the approach and topic were quite different. He gave a very brief talk and left aside [...]
Thursday 11 November, Hilversum by Serena Westra After the lunch, the pre-conference seminar continues with three parallel working groups. I joined the working group ‘Video on Wikipedia’, which was moderated by Ben Moskowitz and Michael Dale. This working group was held in a smaller room where all the attenders, about 14, sat around a table. [...]
by Caroline Goralczyk Michael Murtaugh, writer, web designer and creator of the Active Archives, presented his project that is aiming at setting up multi-directional communication channels for cultural archives and therewith challenging its traditional uses. Founded in 2006 in Brussels, Active Archives is offering new ways of making platforms for cultural industries by questioning the [...]
Hay Kranen gave an introduction of HTML 5 and the possibilities this new language introduces. In short, why HTML 5 video use? There are several benefits when it comes to the use of video via HTML 5: – Simple, just like HTML – Nu plugin hell – One codebase for everything – Multiple competing implementation [...]
In the “open content, tools and technology” panel, right after Ben Moskowitz and Michael Dale, it came the turn for Peter Kaufman to talk about appreciating audiovisual value, and do his bit to “achieve some positive social change within our lifetimes”, as he saw the ultimate goal of the Economies of the Commons conference was. [...]
By Geert Lovink, November 14, 2010
During the pre-conference about open video held at the media park in Hilversum, Ben Moskowitz, the general coordinator of the Open Video Alliance, presented his thoughts for an “open” video ecosystem by bringing technology, institutions and databases of video’s together to make video on the web accessible, distributable, searchable and exchangeable. The open video alliance [...]
Open source, open government, open culture – as Nate Tkacz, PhD at the University of Melbourne points out in his talk, the ubiquity of ‘openness’ as a master category of politics in network cultures turns into a multidimensional, and even more into a political term in the debate on the free and open. With referring [...]
Dymitri Kleiner is a software developer working on projects that investigate the political economy of the internet, and the ideal of workers’ self-organization of production as a form of class struggle. Born in the USSR, Dmytri grew up in Toronto and now lives in Berlin. He is a founder of the Telekommunisten Collective, which provides [...]
Michael Edson, director of Web and New Media Strategy for the Smithsonian Institution and Smithsonian Commons, opens with the goals and virtues of the Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian institution is the world’s largest museum complex and research organization composed of 19 museums, 9 research centers, and the National Zoo. Toghether these museums, research centers and [...]
People are slowly coming back into the room after the lunch break. The most popular workgroup, called Open Distribution Models for Broadcasting, caught the attention of about twenty people. A video call with Bregtje van der Haak live from Hong Kong is set up, as she is joining us in the discussion the first half [...]