net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By sabine, June 17, 2005
Chair: Ravi Sundaram (Sarai, India) With contributions by: Enrique Chaparro (Fundacion Via Libre, Argentina); Glenn Tarman (Trade Justice Campaign, UK) – Join the band: ICTs, popular mobilization and the global call to make poverty history; Steve Cisler (librarian, USA) – PPPP: problems of public private partnerships; Shudda Sengupta (Sarai, India) – Knowing in your bones: [...]
Sally Burch (ALAI, Ecuador) Social movements, communications and ICTs.
François Laureys (IICD) in conversation with Sylvestre Quedraogo (Burkina Faso).
Solomon Benjamin (Urban Researcher, CASUM – m, Bangalore India): case study on ICT and real estate in Bangalore (Including video documentary, produced for Incommunicado 05)
University of the Future. IT frenzy. Capacity crisis. The South giving aid to the North. The radical potential of festivals. And a fascinating dream birthed along the shores of the Tigris River. These were the stories, experiences and wonderings presented during the Open Sessions in the Cinema. Kim van Haaster talked about the UCI (Universidad [...]
Maja van der Velden (University of Bergen, Norway) This was, for me, one of the most ‘reflective’ and insightful talks in the batch. Maja posits that technology is NOT neutral. Contrary to the popular relativist view on technology, Maja recognized its internal biases. Her framework, Cognitive Justice, was beautifully described as struggles for knowledges. Technology [...]
Toni Eliasz (Ungana-Afrika, South Africa) Toni discusses the role of civil society in ICT Policy Processes. He raises the two questions “why should or why shouldn’t C.S. sit around the table with governments or private sector. He sketches a simplified view of how policy processes work .There are three main group actors. The first are [...]
Michael Gurstein (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) “xxxxx is to Walmart as Open Source is to Microsoft: Discuss?” This was Michael’s key question that immediately whetted our curiosity. What has the famous American shopping chain to do with ICT4D? A lot, it turns out, if you mull over the transformational capacity of information systems. [...]
Maartje OpdeCoul (One World, NL) Maartje is talking about the importance of civil society organizations evaluating their own role. She has been active of One World’s pilot projects, for instance tele-centers in development countries. These activities were partly set up to be monitored and researched, so lesson could be take out from them. If a [...]
blogged by Timi: Loe Schot (HIVOS, NL) World citizenship and global civil society were two key concepts in Loe’s presentation that generated a lot of reaction. Not exactly a surprise since these terms are pregnant with meanings, and therefore charged terrains of discussions. Some participants questioned the notion of world citizens, considering it a romantic [...]