#1: Network Cultures

Program Line #1: Network Cultures

The focus of the RAAK program is providing support to professionals in cultural and public organizations to facilitate their audience to share their material, describe, review, tag, reuse, or otherwise interact with the materials.


  • How do you facilitate, as a collection holder, a rich user culture on your public audiovisual collections?
  • What existing users cultures, with an interest in audiovisual collections of public institutions, can we already identify?
  • Which motivators are needed to stimulate an active user participation around an audiovisual collection?
  • How do you present the results of this public participation in order to use this added value as optimal as possible and to encourage others to do this as well?


Providing support to collection holders who are interested in facilitating their audience to share their materials, describe, review and tag, reuse, or have other interaction with the materials.

Activities and Deliverables

A pilot around open distribution of collections with ‘Open Images’ as a platform. Collection containing participants get their own portal at ‘Open Images’ where they make a selection of their collection public accessible for re-use.
Per collection there will be actively searched for relevant user cultures within the specific materials. Early adapters within these user groups will encouraged via workshops and presentations to creatively re-use the material. Derivative works and “mashups” create by participation from the different users will be featured at ‘Open Images’. In addition, we are also looking for the possibilities to exhibit this work real-time.

Pilot around tagging of collections based on ‘Waisda?’ technology. Experimenting with various forms of collections with different characteristics and a various audience. In order to experiment with ways to activate the audience for a longer period and to translate there work directly in a tangible added value to the public.
Thus Waisda? technology be used to review the material of ‘Film it Yourself’ from the VPRO. ‘Film it Yourself’ is a project where the usage of generated video of various volunteers as a unique concert experience will be reconstructed.

Presentation of results at the Culture Vortex conference and in the forthcoming Cultural Vortex reader.