Readmill – Social E-Books

Michael Grothaus, a technology journalist, talked to Henrik Beggren, CEO of a small but growing app Readmill. In his article E-Books Could Be The Future Of Social Media he describes how Readmill approaches e-books as “its own self-contained social network”, and how this can change book publishing on different levels.

“Talking with him, I discovered that compared to what Readmill is planning, today’s e-books might as well be dusty scrolls of parchment. In the future, e-books are going to explode beyond just containing stories, becoming niche social networks where we discuss our favorite passages with other readers and even authors and publishers buy our data to make more informed decisions. So hold on tight, book lovers. Reading as we know it will soon change, forever.” Source: E-Books Could Be The Future Of Social Media, Michael Grothaus, August 30 2013  
