INC project update: Hybrid Publishing Workflow test

On the 12th of September the Institute of Network Cultures subgroup organized a meeting to test  the initial results of their research. Their project focuses on optimalising the publishing workflow for print and electronic publications – developing a “hybrid publishing workflow” that will make it easier and more sufficient to publish for several platforms and formats. For this purpose they have researched and developed several tools, and created manuals and visualisations that will make this process accessible for a larger audience.

During the test day the tools and manuals were tested by several people that each represented a certain role in this workflow: editor, designer, and developer. Thanks to Andre Castro (developer and designer), Gert-Jan van Dijk (Uitgeverij Duizend & Een) and his multimedia designer James Fitzpatrick (Machined Arts Amsterdam), Menno Grootveld (Leesmagazijn), Geert Lovink (INC), Margreet Riphagen (INC), and Caspar Treijtel (UvA, University Library) we gained insights in the parts that still need to be developed further. The results of this test day will be implemented and published on the blog as soon as possible.

The results of this test day will be implemented, and published on the blog as soon as possible!

INC subgroup Testmeeting 12th of Sept INC subgroup Testmeeting 12th of Sept INC subgroup Testmeeting 12th of Sept