The editor of the Media-activist Cookbook, Oleg Kireev from Moscow wrote me the following message:
“Media-activist Cookbook” is awarded “Innovazia” prize.
“Cookbook” introduces topics of tactical media and incluedes five Appendix articles: David Garcia’s and Geert Lovink’s “ABC of tactical media”, Matteo Pasquinelli’s “Urban Television Manifesto”, “On the use of tactical media in the orange revolution” (Zaraz .org), Geert Lovink’s “Theory of mixing” and Konrad Becker’s “Freedom of expression and new technologies”. It has a web version:
“Media-activist Cookbook” was published at Spring, 2006 by a radical publishing house “Ultra.Culture” (, non existent any more due to an untimely death of its founder, poet Ilya Kormiltsev.
“Innovazia” had been established by the National Contemporary Center for Arts in 2006. This year the prize for the best visual art piece was awarded to Vadim Zakharov, for curatorial project – to Victor Misiano. “Media-activist Cookbook” has won in the nomination “Art criticism & theory”.