Italian Translation of Stuck on the Platform & Two Book Launches in Rome

Le paludi della piattaforma

I am proud to announce the Italian edition of my book Stuck on the Platform (Valiz, 2022), translated by INC’s website designer and Enterprecariat blogger Silvio Lorusso and Clusterduck member Silvia Dal Dosso.

Here you can read a review, in Italian, by Philip di Salvo for Il Tascabile.

I am doing two book launches in Rome plus a third performance.

The first is March 22, 2023, 7.00-9.30PM at palazzo delle Esposizioni cafe (via Nazionale 194A), organized by the publisher Nero,  with me in conversation with two Clusterduck members Silvia Del Dosso and Arianna Magrini. I will also read some parts of the book, accompanied by memes and some tracks from We Are Not Sick and a DJ set by Opium Kid.

The second book launch is at Uniroma3 (Via osiense 234, Room 16), organized by Teresa Numerico on March 23, 2023, 5pm, with a conversation between Geert Lovink and Giulia Timis (UkrainaTV). More information here.

A third appearance is March 24, 2023 as part of the Violence & Visibility in Computational Regimes conference at John Cabot University, organized by Donatella Della Ratta. See program here.

