Creating an interactive experience for the magazine Volume

Together with four students from the Master Digital Design we are exploring the online possibilities for the magazine Volume. By making 3 till 5 articles available online, the students are discovering what interactive experience throughout the publication fits bets to Volume, this in order to immerse its audience in a truly digital/interactive way so it feels like digital provides a different level of value than its printed counterpart.

Please help us with our research, by filling in the questionnaire so we can collect feedback. You can fill in the questionnaire here.

Master Digital Design team, from left to right: Matthew Jongbloet, Carmen Scherbaum, Jouke Zult & Vera van Horik

Volume, issued by Archis, is an independent quarterly magazine that sets the agenda for design. Going beyond architecture’s definition of ‘making buildings’, it reaches out for global views on designing environments, advocates broader attitudes to social structures, and reclaims the cultural and political significance of architecture.

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