Proudly we present the Winter Camp report; From Weak Ties to Organized Networks – Ideas, reports and Critiques.

About the book: In March 2009 the Institute of Network Cultures brought 12 networks to Amsterdam for a week of getting things done. Aim of Winter Camp was to connect the virtual with the real in order to find out how distributed social networks can collaborate more effectively. The more people start working together online, the more urgent it becomes to develop sustainable network models. Do we just go online to gather ‘friends’ or do we get organized and utilize these tools to provoke real change in how we work together? How do networks deal with difference, decision making and economic issues? Together with 28 online interviews, this report provides a comprehensive overview of the general issues that the participating networks dealt with during Winter Camp.
Contributors: Liliana Bounegru, Chris Castiglione, Maggie Chau, Gabriella Coleman, Anne Helmond, Marijn de Vries Hoogerwerff, Niels Kerssens, Bram van der Kruk, Geert Lovink, Rosa Menkman, Sabine Niederer, Ned Rossiter, Laura van der Vlies and Thom Stokkel, Annette Wolfsberger and Soenke Zehle.
Colophon: Editor: Geert Lovink. Editorial Assistance: Margreet Riphagen. Copy Editing: Marije van Eck. Design: Michael Schenkyr. illustrations: Het Harde Potlood. Photos: Anne Helmond. Printer: Raamwerken Printing & Design B.V. Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam. Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Democracy and Media Foundation, Amsterdam Art Foundation and the Institute of Interactive Media at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam).
From Weak Ties to Organized Networks, Ideas, Reports, Critiques, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2009. ISBN: 978-90-78146-08-7.
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