net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By margreet riphagen, December 8, 2010
Issue no. 2 Geert Lovink & Pit Schultz, Jugendjahre der Netzkritik, Essays zu Web 1.0 (1995 – 1997) about this publication: Dieses PDF / Print-on-Demand-Heft bringt eine Auswahl der Texte zusammen, in denen die Medientheoretiker und nettime-Gründer Pit Schultz und Geert Lovink zwischen 1995 und 1997 gemeinsam die Grundzüge des Konzepts der Netzkritik formulierten. Damals [...]
By cgmt87, December 7, 2010
The video of the Economies of the Commons 2 can we watched here. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2010 Conference Keynote Charlotte Hess VIDEO Constructing a Commons-Based Digital Infrastructure As the digital universe swells to 1.2 zettabytes, as increasing amounts of valuable information are lost or enclosed, as more libraries close, as economies fall, as global inequities rise, [...]
By sabine, November 30, 2010
The Signpost recently interviewed Wikipedia researchers Johanna Niesyto and Nathaniel Tkacz from the “Critical Point of View” (CPOV) initiative. That initiative organized three conferences about Wikipedia this year, in Bangalore, Amsterdam, and Leipzig (see brief Signpost coverage of the second and third conferences). Via e-mail, we talked about these conferences and other activities of CPOV, [...]
By margreet riphagen, November 24, 2010
INC Print on Demand Service ‘Theory on Demand’ Issue no. 5 out now! Purchase it at and/or download the pdf here Nikos Papastergiadis, Spatial Aesthetics: Art, Place and the Everyday Spatial Aesthetics examines the most recent shifts in contemporary art practice. By working with artists and closely observing the way in which they relate [...]
By morgancurrie, November 16, 2010
Dymitri Kleiner is used to writing code, not books. However the texts that he was spreading around the Internet, inspired a lot of practitioners in the field of the free and open. One of those practisioners and friend of Dymitri, Matteo Pasquinelli, eventually took the effort in gathering all of Dymitri’s texts that were scattered [...]
By morgancurrie, November 15, 2010
Last, but surely not least in the session of “Critique of the Free and Open” is Simona Levi, multidisciplinary artist, director of Conservas and arts festival INn MOTION. She is also co-founder of EXGAE and organiser of the Free Culture Forum Barcelona. Earlier, professor Yann Moulier-Boutang, Nate Tkacz and Dymitri Kleiner talked about the (Creative) [...]
Former worker at Knowledgeland, Harry Verwayen started off his presentation by mentioning what he would not cover in his talk, namely viable revenue models to apply in this day and age (since according to Verwayen, this has been greatly covered on Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly’s blog). Thereafter, Verwayen directly mentions what he finds an effective [...]
By Geert Lovink, November 14, 2010
The pre-conference in Hilversum provided a stage for Dolf Veenvliet as member of the Blender Organization, and Jamie King of the P2P sharing platform VODO to talk about the commons, crowdfunding, and the community. The two presentations provided a perfect showcase of how open standards can provide a platform for creating and distributing content. The [...]
By morgancurrie, November 14, 2010
The presentation by the Dutch 3D artist Dolf Veenvliet would likely fall under the category of most pragmatic ones of the three day conference. Veenvliet started of by elaborating on the latest landmark production from the Blender Foundation (of which he is a member), namely the fantasy feature film called ‘Sintel’. After showing the trailer, [...]
Michael Dale is an advocate for open standard and free video formats for the web. The past two years he has lead open source development for video on Wikipedia. To realize open web video Dale has worked closely with the Mozilla Foundation, Kaltura, and the Open Video Alliance. During the open video pre-conference Michael provided [...]