First prototype finished!

After a couple of days programming we are pleased to announce that the first version is working. Through the mobile phone you can connect with facebook and the screen will select a movie and a word to play. If the user chooses to join the game he can start to guess the word. Meanwhile he can see his facebook image on the screen and just below he will see his hangman forming after each mistake. After three minutes of playing the round will end and every player will get his points. The screen will show the new highscore list and within 30 seconds a new round of hangman will start.

The design of the prototype is just like the wireframes so it still looks a bit basic. In the next version the design should be implemented and also a new game like: “What is Missing?”. This week we will bugfix any errors we can find and next week we will be doing some user testing on wednesday! This was all for now, stay tuned and we will keep you informed on any new upgrades!
