Design & PR week

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This week is all about design and PR. Today Roxanne came in to present us her first designs for the screen and the mobile web app. It’s all looking very cool and we’re sure the end results are going to be slick. We decided to go with a Delfts Blauw theme, with a welcome screen that is shown inside an old TV. This way we incorporate both the ‘old Dutch TV’ from the Open Images videos and the general old Dutch theme of the project. Emile will make sure everything is animated in a nice fashion. He will create our ‘hangman’ and animate a nice ‘come here and join’-video to show inside the old TV for the first screen. Deadline for the final design is next week so we can start testing the week after that. Stay tuned!

PR is also something we’re working on at the moment. How to increase buzz around our project? How to reach the Mundial audience before the festival starts? We’ve met with someone from PR @ Sound & Vision and someone from the HvA. Both can help a lot with spreading our message. We’ve been typing press releases and website / app / programme book / newsletter -texts and they will send these out for us to important connections. Mundial will put us in their programme books and on their website. Besides that we will increase our presence in the social media and tweet more often.
