Special issue Urgent Publishing Debris @ Pervasive Labour Union zine

Making Public teamed up with Lídia Pereira of Pervasive Labour Union zine after the Urgent Publishing conference to make a special issue that would move far beyond the known realms of ‘conference proceedings’. What happens if you shift focus from the official reports and try to include the ‘debris’ left after an event, in the form of tweets, pictues, notes, or even ready made poetry? In this special issue, blog reports are complemented with such visual – and audio! – materials. Moreover, links and connections between the different elements are literally highlighted, to show common themes and recurring topics. This allows the reader to navigate the issue in new ways. For those who prefer reading from paper, there is a pdf booklet that can be downloaded and printed. Be sure to also check out the posters compiled of each of the key words. Happy browsing!

To read, click here or on the image below.
