
ethno-blogging 2005 A decade of webdesign

January 21st, 2005

Ethno-blogger – a term coined by Goran Batic and Nancy Mauro-Flude at A decade of webdesign,  hosted by the Institute of Network Culture in Amsterdam 21/22 January 2005, Amsterdam a two-day international conference

Ethno-blogging is an activity that occurs at conferences, events, performances or other various circumstances of public gatherings. ‘Ethno-blogging’ is live observation and realtime publishing to the web. As it is commonly known the goal of ethnography is to combine the view of an insider with that of an outsider to describe a social setting. The result is expected to be deeper and fuller than that of the ordinary outsider, and broader and less culture-bound than that of the ordinary insider.

Simultaneously blogging is an action of gathering data, in order to make transparent social interactions, it is usually the case that it is not necessarily a sophisticated cultural analysis tool, while ethnographers do use their interactions with informants to discover and create analytical frameworks for understanding and portraying that which is under study. The procedures used in this direct and intimate acquaintance with the emphemeraly and empirical world provide assurance that the data collected are grounded in informants’ actual experiences and uploaded live onto the web, hence the term ‘Ethno-blogger’.

Thank you all!

Nancy and Goran

January 22, 2005


Initially posted – as a part of the

now as

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