net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Donato Spinelli, June 27, 2019
Relearn is a collective learning experiment and also a summer school that addressed to students, artists, teachers from all backgrounds and disciplines. The 2019 edition took place at Varia in Rotterdam on 7th-9th June, then in Brussels on 21st – 22nd at Hacktiris and finally on 06th-08th September in Paris at La Générale. The purpose [...]
By Luca Recano, June 24, 2019
14/05/2019 – Luca Recano and Sebastian Olma Sebastian Olma is Professor in “Autonomy in Art, Design & Technology” at “Avans” University of Applied Sciences in Breda and Den Bosch in the Netherlands. He lives in Amsterdam. For years he has been dealing with social and cultural criticism, in particular with regard to the politics [...]
By Geert Lovink, June 19, 2019
Marshall McLuhan argued that money is communication. This rings particularly true at a time when so many platforms are entering the payments space. The US payments app Venmo has created a social network for payments, while the Chinese mobile messaging app WeChat has created social and playful ways of exchanging payments as messages, even incorporating the traditional Chinese ‘Hung Bao’ (red envelopes) into the payments process.
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, June 11, 2019
What kind of reading experiences do you look for? What kind of content do you read and where do you find it? Which (digital) tools, formats and forms of reading interest you? Insight in your preferences will help cultural publishers to keep their publishing urgent and experimental. Please help the Making Public-consortium by anonymously filling out [...]
By Geert Lovink, May 25, 2019
Hoewel we massaal bezig zijn met ontspullen, en we dus niet zitten te wachten op nog weer een nieuwe theepot of een andere stoel, groeit de aandacht voor design. Het label design wordt letterlijk overal opgeplakt. Wat is er aan de hand? Waarom is design zo populair? Dat is de vraag achter het Amsterdam Design [...]
By Inte Gloerich, April 17, 2019
MoneyLab #7: Geo-Politics of Financial Flows Save the date: Amsterdam, November 14 & 15, 2019. The Institute of Network Cultures is proud to announce the return of MoneyLab to Amsterdam: two days filled with presentations, workshops, performances and discussions by and with artists, academics, activists, geeks, and students about pressing financial issues. What is the [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, March 27, 2019
Tussen 1983 en 1994 schreef de Stichting ter Bevordering van de Illegale Wetenschap (BILWET) een twintigtal teksten over hedendaags fascisme en verzamelde deze in een ‘fascismemap’. De map bevat onder andere een lezing over wolven, zes kleurplaten met Kuifje en Hitler, een analyse van getuigenissen van SS’ers, mijmeringen in Berlijn en een ambulant-wetenschappelijk artikel over filosofenmode. [...]
By Geert Lovink, March 19, 2019
“From where did you receive/research/develop your beliefs? The internet, of course.” -Brenton Tarrant On Friday, March 15th 2019, at 1:40pm, Brenton Tarrant walked into the first of two mosques in central Christchurch and began shooting indiscriminately, leading to the deaths of 50 people. Already there has been speculation about what drove such an attack. For [...]
By Geert Lovink, February 24, 2019
Voorgedragen tijdens de presentatie van De Muur in Den Haag, voormalige Amerikaanse ambasade, 19 februari 2019. Wim Nijenhuis: De lach van Paul Virilio De film over Paul Virilio, Penser la Vitesse, die regisseur Stephane Paoli in 2008 gemaakt heeft in opdracht van Arte France en die in 2012 werd uitgezonden door de ARD, thematiseert het [...]
By Barbara Dubbeldam, January 29, 2019
INC is happy to announce the publication of Theory on Demand #28: Communities at a Crossroads: Material semiotics for online sociability in the fade of cyberculture by Annalisa Pelizza.