Researching hybridity in the cultural field within three domains: hybrid events, living archives, and hybrid publications.
By Kate Babin, March 2, 2023
Join us from 11:00 to 12:30 on March 9th for the programme Trends, Tactics and Aesthetics: the TikTok Limbo as part of our In-Between Media: Hybrid Tactics in The Crisis Era conference. These presentations, followed by a round-table discussion will be held at Spui25 in Amsterdam as well as online. Do you find yourself in [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, February 23, 2023
February 23, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - As part of considering Het Nieuwe Instituut as a testing ground for an internet beyond platform capitalism, the Research team invites you to think along with speakers and participants, try out tools and ultimately work towards a lasting impact in autonomy across spaces. Among the speakers are Ania Molenda and Sepp Eckenhaussen, on behalf of [...]
By Lilian Stolk, November 17, 2022
What can participatory livecasting look like? Is there a playfulness in its future, and a true on- and offline collaboration between the physical world and the virtual one? “At the moment, as an online visitor of a hybrid event, you can just ask a question to the speaker, which may or may not be seen [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, November 14, 2022
Event reports dream to be conversation starters. How can we make those dreams come true? In the minizine ‘Elements of a Conversation Starter’, the Hybrid Pubs research group maps the types of content that make a report into a conversation starter. Download the zine here, or read the contents below. This minizine was collectively created [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm - What cultural and digital strategies could be used to create alternative ways of online publishing, that expand the room for reflection and collectivity? Cultural critical publishing practices require new strategies to respond to the contemporary realities of online media. Manoeuvring between corporate and political powers puts independent publishers in a position that is counterproductive for [...]
By Labor Neunzehn, October 12, 2022
In this article, we try to outline the philosophical and technical background that informs the architecture of our web-based project All Sources Are Broken, an online publishing platform that enables cross-referencing media, as well as an artistic experiment about the archive and the hyperlink obsolescence. We also address the artistic practices that contribute to defining [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, October 12, 2022
Over the past two months, the Going Hybrid Publishing group has convened for two days of design sprints. The discussions we had during these sprints were informed by our previous state-of-the-art analysis and survey of relevant tools and practices. This blog post is a recap of two design sprint days, sharing both process and outcomes. [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, October 3, 2022
Seeing the wild amount and variety of experimental publications brought to the world, it is hardly possible to claim that any of them is a ‘best practice’. But some of them are certainly highly interesting in terms of formal experiment, quality, or redefinition of the reading experience. Below, you find an incomplete list of tools [...]
By Sofia Boschat-Thorez, September 21, 2022
In early April of 2022, a sub-group of the researchers involved in the Going Hybrid project came together for a first knowledge session, which was also the first physical gathering since the project’s kickoff in January. The session was dedicated to making sense of the term ‘living archives’, a task supported by generous input from [...]
By Sepp Eckenhaussen, July 6, 2022
As the digital components of cultural programs become more prominent, cultural organizations are faced with questions usually associated with the publishing industries, ranging from practical obstacles to fundamental issues. How can an artist statement from the catalogue of an exhibition be published on social media and still relate to the spatial experience of the exhibition? [...]