Shu Lea Cheang, self styled digital normadic artist, works in social interface building using digital media, installation and filmmaking. Her Net installation works were commissioned and permanently collected by Walker Art Center (Bowling Alley, 1995), NTT[ICC], Tokyo (Buy One Get One, 1997) and the Guggenheim Museum (Brandon, 1998-1999).
Since 2000, she has created a series of fictional narrative for networked projects under the headline o f “DATED2030”, includling “Baby Play” (NTT[ICC], Tokyo 2001) and “Baby Love” (scheduled for Palais de Tokyo opening in December 2005). Parallel to museum
installations, she has also been indulged in ‘bodywork”, including a scifi porn feature “I.K.U” (2000) produced by Tokyo’s Uplink co., a porn cast call installation “Fluid ” for Norway’s Detox festival (2004-2005) and a web TV ” Milk ” for Switzerland hosted 56k-bastard TV (2004). In her artistic porn career, censorship and warning signs adorns her work.
Milk- 2 versions – original and snow version
I.K.U. – I.K.U.2 forthcoming
Fluid in Norway – casting call pulled from campsite