Tallahassee discusses ‘The Future of the Book’

Florida State University and the Panhandle Library Access Network are organizing a two-day conference on 21 – 22 July also on ‘The Future of the Book’. The aim of the conference is “to explore the significance of emergent digital technologies on the dissemination and reading of text for research and pleasure.”

Bob Stein, founder of the Institute for the Future of the Book and the Voyager Company and one of our speakers this weekend, is one of the keynotes. Lynn Sutton, Ph.D. is Dean of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at the University Wake Forest, there to talk about libraries: ‘As Libraries Change: Keep Your Eyes on the Readers’. Another featured speaker is Elaine Treharne, a lecturer of Book History, bringing philosophy into the mix: ‘You Kant Touch This: the Immanent Book and the Digital Age’.

For more information: http://www.lib.fsu.edu/thefutureofthebook/