Theory on Demand Readers available on Scribd and Issuu

At the following links you can find all the Theory on Demand readers published till now. In addition, several other readers by the INC are available for browsing and free download. In the next days the catalogue will be updated with the missing documents.

INC’s bookshelf on Scribd.

INC’s bookshelf on Issuu.

About Scribd: Scribd (pronounced /ˈskrɪbd/) is a Web 2.0 based document-sharing website which allows users to post documents of various formats, and embed them into a web page using its iPaper format. Scribd was founded by Trip Adler in 2006 (from Wikipedia). More informations here.

About Issuu: Issuu is an online service that allows for realistic and customizable viewing of digitally uploaded material, such as portfolios, books, magazine issues, newspapers, and other print media. It integrates with social networking sites to promote uploaded material. Issuu’s service is comparable to what Flickr does for photo-sharing, and what YouTube does for video-sharing (from Wikipedia). More informations here.
