

Megan Dieudonné & Andrea Rüthel


A curious user drags all the files and folders into the trash and now has a clear view of the landscapes on her desktop. Using pre-installed tools, she speculates on the design, origin and intention of the depicted perspectives and looks for alternatives. An alignment is created between digital and physical space that challenges what is not made visible on the screen.

Megan Dieudonné (b. 1991, Aotearoa New Zealand) works independently and collaboratively on websites, video, screencasts and media installations. She received her Bachelor of Design from the College of Creative Arts in Wellington and after a short stint at the Academy of Fine Arts HGB Leipzig, she joined the Digital Graphics class at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg HFBK, where she recently received a Master of Fine Arts. (https://megandieudonne.com)

Andrea Rüthel (b. 1984, Federal Republic of Germany) works independently and collaboratively on film and video works, screencasts and media installations. She studied Media Sciences, Media Art and Media Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Leipzig University. She was a participant of the Professional Media Master Class for artistic documentary film run by the werkleitz Centre for Media Art in Halle (S.). Based in Leipzig, she is a member of the artist collective FILZ Filmische Initiative Leipzig (https://filz.works) and co-founder of the all-female moving image production company Kante (https://kante.film).

she’s a lying ass hoe in the age of information

Georgica Jane Pettus

she’s a lying ass hoe in the age of information


At the end of 2019, my instagram was hacked, and the hacker sent the following message to all of the people I followed: Hey this is really nuts! I just got sent a 1,000 dollar card and all I did was Participate a little bit and they sent me it. I used it to grab a new flatscreen tv ive been eyeing LOL! I want you to get one beings you share similar interests. Move fast on this thought there is only a few of them left!

I received hundreds of messages from these innocent bystanders informing me that I had likely been hacked. In an attempt to reclaim my stolen identity, I became the physical embodiment of my hacker, with all of these messages buried inside me. By screenshooting all of the messages, in some sense I embodied the kind people who received the spam as well.

Georgica Jane Pettus is an American artist working in time-based media. She focuses on theories of interactivity as they pertain to dance, music, and performance, with a particular interest in approaching collaboration with technology from a humanistic standpoint. Pettus is an MFA candidate at The University of Oxford


Matthew Swarts



A blended representation of 2,547 successive screenshots of images from a Google search for “1974”, consecutively ordered last to first: https://matthewswarts.org/1974a/

Matthew Swarts uses computers to question some of the things he makes with cameras. He believes in photography’s ability to touch truth, but less so in our placing of importance on it having some kind of indexical relationship to what’s “real”. He lives and works in Somerville, Massachusetts, USA.

Web Choroegraphies & Other Stories

Joana Chicau

Web Choreographies & Other Stories

A treatise on web interfaces, dancing algorithms in collaborative network settings and interdependent forms of agency; exploring new scenarios beyond usership — spectatorship.

Each screenshot shows different algorithmic composed visual manipulation of webpages by writing JavaScript commands in the web console of the browser. 

WARNING: contains flickering visuals;

Joana Chicau is a designer and researcher — with a background in dance. She researches the intersection of the body with the designed and programmed environment, aiming at widening the ways in which digital sciences is presented and made accessible to the public. The latter informs a practice and exploration of various forms and formats — interweaving web programming with choreography — from the making of online platforms to performances and workshops. 

She has been participating and co-organizing events involving collaborative coding, algorithmic improvisation, open discussions on digital equity and activism. Chicau is a member of the collective Varia.zone and a lecturer at the University of Arts of London

The Ruling Class Has an Idea

F. C. Zuke

The Ruling Class Has an Idea

The Ruling Class Has an Idea is a long vertorama comprised of screenshots captured by someone researching the current NFT craze. The work is meant to be scrolled through by viewers from top to bottom. A narrative emerges through this form of viewing as the researcher follows links to discover those who might gain the most from the NFT sensation.

F. C. Zuke is an interdisciplinary artist working in sound, video, installation, computer programming, digital imaging, and interactive media. His practice investigates systems of belief and the epistemologies behind dominant and trending psychological structures. He currently lives in Oxford, Mississippi where he teaches courses in video, sound, digital imaging, creative coding, and other forms of expanded media. He has collaborated with artists, musicians, choreographers, historians, and curators and is deeply interested in works of art that are fueled by the skills, lived experiences, and passions of multiple creators